Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bubble Wrap

The world makes no provisions for just wrapping up and waiting it out.

Joe's mom, Jane, had pelvic strengthening surgery this week and is doing much better.  Her pelvis is reinforced on both sides now and she should be much stronger and steadier.

My sister Jackie's husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer -- his surgery will be on Feb. 25.  Please keep them in your prayers.  Its been a hectic time for their whole family with Chelsea due any day and Riley underfoot, Jackie has been living in Florida.

And today, another nap interruption for me.  Joe woke me from a deep slumber to say that Chip was loaded into the truck on a sled and he wanted to take him to the hospital.  He had been skating next door and fell oh-but-hard.  Every bump along the drive to the hospital was excruciating for him.  X-rays show he has a spiral fracture of his tibia just above his ankle.  No school for a week, he has to see the orthopod and he will be non-weight bearing for at least a week.  He's particularly unhappy about being carried to the bathroom.

So wrap your loved ones in bubble wrap if you must -- life will still toss shit your way that will get thru it.

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