Monday, March 30, 2009

Take Joy in Small Miracles

Most people might call it coincidence. Some might even find it inconsequential.

For me today, lunch was a small miracle.

I had a late morning appointment in Golden Valley, and Kim was quilting at church. I thought about stopping by Arby's or Wendy's on my way home from my appointment to grab a sandwich, rather than take the time to cobble together something once I got home. Given our current cash flow, it's hard to justify paying for fast food when we have enough at home; it's simply my own laziness at work, helping me convince myself that I'm too busy to spend time preparing my meal.

However, my desire to get on with my afternoon tasks overcame my laziness and I decided to stop by church and switch vehicles with Kim, since I needed the Suburban for one of my errands. I opened the door and stepped into the church basement expecting to quickly exchange car keys with my wife, and the words that greeted me as I came through the door came from our friend Kathy - "Hi, Joe, wanna grab a sandwich?"

There on the table were sliced meats, cheese, and veggies, as if laid out for my arrival. Of course, these were simply the remnants of what the quilters had for lunch which, in turn, were leftovers from yesterday's CHRP men's retreat at the parish center. These facts in no way diluted for me the miraculous timing of the day's events, bringing me to a delicious meal with friends when I could have made a different choice and deprived myself the pleasure and joy of this small miracle.

Matthew 6:25 - "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool. I love life's small miracles. Chance meeting with someone you were just thinking about, hugs from your kids just when you need them, a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing yours.
