This morning he acted lazy in bed. The nurse came in and said "Get up and get moving -- moving around gets you hungry and thirsty."
So he ate pureed scrambled eggs with salt, cruised around the Peds unit and drank a soda. We played a little HiHoCherryO, Boggle and Battleship. He got down on the floor and played cars and then ate a decent lunch (pureed chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy). The nurse said "You are outta here!" and I think he was somewhat sad. He liked the place.
They took his IV out, we met Auntie Carolyn at Grandpa Jim's so we could pick Hannah up then kicked those gerbils and headed west. Saima graciously brought Casey home, I fed and watered horses, and Joe finished up the shopping and got prescriptions at Target. The neighbor boys came over and played Wii with Chip, I cooked a few bags of potatoes for mashed potatoes and then we mostly vegged.
Chip has eaten some smashed bananas, I'm making jello and cooked pudding to have on hand, and ice cream will be a staple around here for a while. We'll be doing doctor's appointments, medication and pureed foods for several weeks.
So thanks to all who lent a hand, a kind word, or a prayer. We truly appreciate it!!!
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