Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Casey's Huntington Story

Casey attended Huntington Learning Center for about 18 months (and it was worth all the time she put into it!!).

Here's one of her final compositions (it's more like a stream of consciousness):

I love food, but I do not like to cook. FIRST of all, I am not very good at cooking. I cut myself, I burn food, and I spill things that stain my clothes. MY clothes are nice things that cost most of my money. THEN there is something about the ingredients that is a great mystery to me. I can follow a recipe but it never comes out right. THE food might be too salty, too sweet, or just too weird. AND then there's a mess. THE food sticks to the pots and pans and stains the sink. WHEN I get finished with all that labor, I'm anxious to taste my masterpiece. I should give up cooking altogether.

I think the point of the exercise was to not start each sentence with the same word each time.

I think she's funny.

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